How to be a malnourished vegan: Joke! Get the recommended 20–30 grams of protein/day & more reasons to be vegan

Last updated August 9, 2024

See vegan:

  • Vegan athletes & doctors that are people of color of all sizes who are “running toward a vegan diet”
  • Protein that satisfies cravings
  • Free, personalized cost & nutrient calculators, meal planners, grocery list-makers, coaches
  • Vitamins


Why athletes are “running toward a vegan diet”

Meat consumption and high cholesterol levels exacerbate inflammation, which can result in pain and impair athletic performance and recovery.

Studies show that athletes on a plant-based diet increase the maximum amount of oxygen they can use during intense exercise — leading to better endurance.

Other health reasons

Eating animal fats is linked to diabetes. Also, if you don’t eat enough minimally processed plants, your body eats your gut lining. The good news is, eating a handful of nuts can reduce yoru risk of depression by 17%.

Vegan athletes & doctors of…



Jessian Choy, She/Woman #NotGuys #NotAGirl
Jessian Choy, She/Woman #NotGuys #NotAGirl

Written by Jessian Choy, She/Woman #NotGuys #NotAGirl

That person who mailed menstrual underwear to prof who found toxic PFAS. Journalist @realMsGreen. Be happy/equitable/green/vegan via hypnosis, reiki, sound w/me

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